��<HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffDD> <FONT SIZE=+4 FACE=Times COLOR=#000000><B>Personal website</B></FONT><BR> <FONT COLOR=#000000>[Last updated: Aug. 2018]</FONT><P> <TABLE> <TR> <TD>&nbsp;<IMG SRC="hnnhat.jpg" WIDTH=150></IMG></TD> <TD VALIGN=BOTTOM>Hoang Nam Nhat, Prof.<BR> Laboratory of Low Dimensional Systems, Department of Magnetic Nanomaterials and Devices<br> Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology<BR> VNU-University of Engineering and Technology<BR> E-Mail: <A HREF="MAILTO:namnhat@gmail.com">nhathn@vnu.edu.vn</A><BR> Website: <A HREF="http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn">http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn</A><BR> Tel.: +84-43-754 9570<BR> Fax: +84-43-754 7460 <BR> Address: Building E4, p203, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, VN<BR> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Education</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> Dipl. Eng. (1986) Slovak Technical University, Czechoslovakia<BR> PhD. (1993) Slovak Technical University, Slovakia</FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Positions</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> 1999-2006: Lecturer, Faculty of Physics, VNU-HUS<BR> 2006-present: Senior lecturer, VNU<BR> 2009: Vice-Director, Center for Materials Science, VNU-HUS<BR> 2010-2011: Director, Department of Research and International Relations, VNU-UET<BR> 2012-present: Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology, VNU-UET<BR> 2012-2014: VNU Council for physics<BR> 2013-2015: NAFOSTED Council for physics<BR> 2014-present: Faculty of Engineering Physics Council<BR></FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Main researches</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> Low dimensional and nanoscale solid state materials<BR> Computational materials science<BR> </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Projects</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> Copper oxide based spin chain systems (Asia Research Center Grant 2009-2011)<BR> Nanofluids and Application (National Foundation for Science and Technology Development - NAFOSTED 2009-2012)<BR> Nanoparticles in coating technology (Vietnam National University Hanoi Key Project Grant QGTD 09.04 2009-2011)<BR> Quantum surface effects in low dimensional systems (NAFOSTED 2015-2017)<BR> Efects of ion-implantation on structure and properties of nanostructure materials (NAFOSTED 2017-2019)<BR> </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Group members</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> <B>PhD students (ended): <BR></B> Pham The Tan, 2008-2011, Hung Yen College of Pedagogy<BR> Bui Hong Van, 2009-2012, VNU-University of Science<BR> Nguyen Duc Tho, 2011-2015, VNU-University of Science<BR> Nguyen Thuy Trang, 2011-2015, VNU-University of Science<BR> Pham Duc Huyen Yen, 2012-2016, VNU-University of Engineering and Technology<BR> Nguyen Khac Thuan, 2012-2016, Academy for Air-defense and Air-force<BR> <B>PhD students (current): <BR></B> Vuong Van Hiep, 2015-2019, VNU-University of Science<BR> <B>Collaborators: <BR></B> Huynh Dang Chinh, Prof., 2008-present, Inst. of Chem. Technol., Hanoi University of Science and Technology<BR> Nguyen Trong Tinh, Prof., 2014- present, VAST-Inst. of Applied Phys. and Sci. Instrum.<BR> Nguyen The Nghia, Prof., 2017-present, VNU-HUS Accelerator Center, Hanoi<BR> Do Thi Kim Anh, Prof., 2015- present, Dept. of Low Temperature Physics, VNU-HUS<BR> </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <P> <TABLE><TR><TD> <FONT SIZE=+2><B>Publication</FONT></B><BR> <FONT> <B>Seminars: <BR></B> "Copper based spin chain systems and their behaviours at nanoscale", <A HREF="http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/forschung/profil/sfbs/TRR49/Activities/colloquium2009-10/index.html">Institute of Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt (am Main) on 14 Dec 2009</A>;&nbsp;(<A HREF="frankfurt2009_part1.pdf">PDF1</A>,&nbsp;<A HREF="frankfurt2009_part2.pdf">PDF2</A>,&nbsp;<A HREF="frankfurt2009_part3.pdf">PDF3</A>)<BR> "Nanofluidic systems of diluted magnetic semiconductors", Institute of Physics I, George August University Goettingen on 15 Dec 2009 (<A HREF="frankfurt2009_part4.pdf">PDF1</A>,&nbsp;<A HREF="frankfurt2009_part5.pdf">PDF2</A>)<BR> "Gold hydride by ion implantation: history, observations and advancements", Department of Electronic and Physical Systems, Waseda University on 12 June 2018 (<A HREF="AuH-Waseda-2018.pdf">AuH-Waseda-2018.pdf</A>,&nbsp;<A HREF="AuH-Waseda-2018.ppt">AuH-Waseda-2018.ppt</A>)<BR> <BR><B>Some recent papers: <BR></B> <font size=-1 face=arial> <BR> 2018 PhysB 532 (2018) 115-118 (VVHiep)<BR> 2018 Mat Trans 59(7) (2018) 1068-1070 (VVHiep)<br> 2017 JElectMat 46 (2017) 3808 (NTTrang)<BR> 2016 JLUMIN 178 (2016) 134 138<BR> 2016 JAP 120(14)142120 (VVHiep)<BR> 2016 IEEE Magn. Lett. 7(6) (2016) 1401104 (TDThanh)<BR> 2016 Electrochimica Acta 190 (2016) 215 220 (NDTho)<BR> 2015 Mat Trans 56(9) 1383 (NKThuan)<BR> 2015 Mat Trans 56(9) 1335 (DTKA)<BR> </font> <br><FONT SIZE=+2><B>Special issues:</FONT></B><BR> <font size=-1 face=arial> <BR><b>1st International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science</b><br> <a href="http://fms2013.uet.vnu.edu.vn">fms2013.uet.vnu.edu.vn/</a><br> <a href="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6832815">IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Volume 50, Issue 6 , June 2014</a><br> <br><b>2nd IS FMS 2015 Wasesa University, Tokyo, Japan</b><br> <a href="http://www.cms.sci.waseda.ac.jp/fms2015/">http://www.cms.sci.waseda.ac.jp/fms2015/</a><br> <a href="https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4961725">J. Appl. Phys.20, 142001 (2016)</a><br> <b>AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1763, Aug 26, 2016.</b><br> ISBN: 978-0-7354-1421-1<br> <a href="https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1763/1?size=all&amp;expanded=1763">https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1763/1?size=all&amp;expanded=1763</a><br> <br><b>3rd IS FMS2016 Hanoi University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam</b><br> <a href="http://phys.hnue.edu.vn/fms2016/">http://phys.hnue.edu.vn/fms2016/</a><br> Physica B Volume 532, Pages 1-230 (1 March 2018)<br> <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/physica-b-condensed-matter/vol/532/suppl/C">https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/physica-b-condensed-matter/vol/532/suppl/C</a><br> <br><b>4th IS FMS2017 Greifswald University, Greifswald, Germany</b><br> <a href="http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn/fms2017/">http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn/fms2017/</a><br> Materials Transactions Volume 59 Issue 7 (2018) 1013<br> <a href="https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/matertrans/59/7/_contents/-char/en">https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/matertrans/59/7/_contents/-char/en</a><br> NANOMATA 2014, VNU-Hanoi University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam <br> <a href="http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn/nanomata2014/">http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/~nhathn/nanomata2014/</a><br> Materials Transactions Volume 56 Issue 9 (2015) 1135<br> <a href="https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/matertrans/56/9/56_MPR2015904/_article/-char/en">https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/matertrans/56/9/56_MPR2015904/_article/-char/en</a><br> <br><FONT SIZE=+2><B>Teaching:</FONT></B><BR> 2008-2011: History of Physics (2 credits) Every Tue 14:00 Me Tri Campus GD6<BR> 2008-2014: Introduction to Rietveld Analysis of Compounds (2 credits) <BR> <br> 2001-Present: <br>Electromagnetism (3 credits) Every Fri 14:00 G3B<BR> Mechanics (3 credits), G2, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay<br> <br> 2013-Present: <br> Electronic structure of Nanomaterials (2 credits)<br> Electronic structure modeling methods (2 credits)<br> Mathematical methods in physics (3 credits) Xuan Thuy Campus<br> Statistical physics (3 credits) Xuan Thuy Campus<br> <br><FONT SIZE=+2><B>Books:</FONT></B><br> Co hoc dai cuong (General Mechanics), nxb Giao duc 2005.<br> Phuong phap toan ly (Math. methods in physics), to be available 2019<br> <!--<BR>"Writing a book for almost 20 years and still not ending..."<BR> <font color=blue><b>Thuyet Nhan</b></font><br> Phan_1: Giac_mo_Thao_nguyen &nbsp;<a href="ThuyetNhan_I_Giac_mo_Thao_nguyen.pdf">PDF</a><br> Phan_2: Triet_ly_cua_Bom &nbsp;<a href="ThuyetNhan_II_Triet_ly_cua_Bom.pdf">PDF</a><br> Phan_3: Chan_ly_khong_ton_tai (will be available)<br> Phan_4: Duy_ly_cua_Phi_ly (will be available)<br> --> </TD></TR></TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>