UK study tour: Effective Strategic University-Industry Partnership

Supported by the British Council through the UK Vietnam Higher Education Partnership (UK-VN HEP) initiative, senior leaders and managers from five Vietnamese universities take part in a UK study tour on effective strategic university industry partnership. The visit is a part of one year partnership project between Global Wales and Vietnamese higher education institutions which include VNU University of Engineering and Technology-VNU Hanoi, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology – University of Danang, University of Social Sciences and Humanities – VNUHCMC, and HCMC University of Industry.

From VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Pham Minh Trien, Deputy head of Science, Technology and Cooperation; Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Director of FIMO Center.

The study tour aims at providing Vietnamese higher education leaders an opportunity to learn UK best practices and models and aiming at building capacity for Vietnamese higher education leaders in strategic leadership and effective university-industry partnerships.

The British Council, through the UK-VN HEP initiative this year, provides grant for ten partnership projects which cover four priory areas, leadership and governance, research & mobility, transnational education (TNE) and quality assurance, and university industry link. UK and Vietnamese higher education institutions in the partnership project form Vietnam UK higher education network and expected to share their learnings and outcomes of their own projects to wider institutions in the higher education system in Vietnam.

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