Specialization in Nano Materials and Devices (2018 version for the QH-2018 course onwards) (PhD’s Program)

The PhD program in Nanomaterials and Components has specific training objectives:

1. Common goal

      To train highly qualified scientists, teaching and research staff, technical and technological experts in theory and practice in the field of nanomaterials and components; having creative capacity, independent research, leadership and research orientation to solve problems of scientific significance and practical application, high technology and interdisciplinary such as new materials, flexible materials, etc. microelectronics, medical – bio – pharmaceutical, environment and green energy.

2. Specific goals

2.1. About knowledge

     Possessing in-depth theoretical knowledge and professional practical skills in research and fabrication of materials and components (magnetic, semiconductor, photonics and combinatorial) with nanostructures and sizes.

2.2. About skills

Having creative ability, independent research ability, ability to organize and form scientific research groups, ability to lead and guide research groups and manage professional activities, discover and solve problems. problems of scientific significance and practical application, high technology and interdisciplinary such as new materials, microelectronic components, medicine – bio – pharmacy, environment and green energy.

Deep and up-to-date knowledge, ability to adapt, quickly approach new technologies and work in domestic and international high-tech and interdisciplinary fields.

Skills in processing, analyzing and publishing research results in domestic and international scientific journals.

Improve presentation skills and implement applied research results into practice.

     See detailed curriculum content at Decision.1161_Issuing PhD program in Nanomaterials and components 2018

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