Electronics and communications engineering technology (Honors Program)
The aforementioned programme aims to educate bachelors of the Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major with solid foundations of related science and technologies, who are able to contribute to society with their creativity, and leadership.
Detailed goals:
- Developing required knowledge and skills for future careers related to Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major.
- Developing knowledge and practical applicability of fundamental science, mathematics, electrical science and information science related to Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major.
- Providing an environment which helps students to decide which to take amongst multiple future career paths, and have lifelong self-learning ability.
- Helping students understand the interaction between Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major and society, business, technologies and environment.
- Helping students raise awareness of contributing to the nation’s advancement and global economy.
More details of the aforementioned education frame at 69.qđ_CTĐT ngành CNKT ĐT-VT CLCTT23.
The education programme applies for enrollment from 2019 and after, more details at QĐ1528 ĐTVT CLC23.