Conceptual and Rating Model of the V-SMARTH Smart University

The conceptual model of smart university has been generalized as a digital transformation-oriented higher educational institution using digital infrastructure (digital legal, digital human resources, digital data, digital technologies and digital applications) to provide personalized learning services to learners of all generations in the country and around the world, meeting the lifelong learning requirements and sustainable development of individuals as well as nations. It is described through the V-SMARTH model, including 6 basic components of digital resources, open access learning materials, virtual learning environment, individualized education, interactive learning and digital platform.

These elements come together in three pillars of digitization, digital learning model innovation and comprehensive digital transformation process. The study also approached the notion of the smartness and the readiness level of the smart university. In particular, the issue of performance metrics of smart universities has been developed and implemented with the UPM rating for the VNU University of Engineering and Technology.

On the basis of the above summary and analysis, combined with the mission and characteristics of the third generation university in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 period, it is possible to give a new definition of smart university: “Smart university is a digital transformation-oriented educational institution; using digital infrastructure (digital legal, digital human resources, digital data, digital technology and digital applications) to provide personalized training services to learners of all generations in the country and around the world, meeting the lifelong learning requirements and sustainable development of individuals as well as nations. ”
The detailed content of the article was online on the website of the VNU Journal of Science: 

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