
Civil Engineering

The aforementioned program aims to acquire undergraduate students with the knowledge about technique, technology, design, construct, operate and manage infrastructure projects. Based on that, students can do research, apply their expertise, interdisciplinary and practical knowledge to solve problems about urban infrastructure. The graduate students have the ability to think independently, creatively, and work at transport […]

By admin | Undergraduate

Agricultural Technology

The Bachelor Agricultural Technology program aims to educate its graduates who major in Information technology, digital technology, electronic and telecommunication, automation, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc with the necessary knowledge about agriculture and plants, castles and marines creature with the view to developing and applying advanced technology in agriculture, which can boost the performance in agricultural production […]

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Aerospace Engineering

After graduation, students of Aerospace Technology have the ability to consult and perform their duties as an engineer in the field of Aerospace, meeting the high requirements of aviation industry. social studies and applications. These engineers have the ability to work independently, self-study, self-study, and improve their qualifications. In addition, they are highly adaptable to […]

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Energy Engineering

This is the program that trains engineer human resources in Energy Engineering so that they are capable of mastering fundamental and advanced knowledge about energy, have the ability to practice well, apply their knowledge and practical skills to research and put them into effect. Engineers who graduate from Energy Engineering will have chances to work […]

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Engineering Physics

Training bachelor in engineering physics toward applying nanotechnology in some fields namely new materials, microelectronics, biomedical, environment and clean energy. Bachelor who graduate from Engineering Physics will be able to take on positions including technique, management, transferring and applying new technology in multinational companies that trade new materials, microelectronic components, technical equipment used in clean […]

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Robotics Engineering

The programme aims to educate engineers of Robotics Engineering major with solid foundations of science and related technologies, who are capable of: Designing and building robotics systems, including both software and hardware, based on precise mechanical foundations, dynamics engineering, and control engineering. Developing knowledge and practical applicability of fundamental science, mathematics, electrical science, electronics, and […]

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Electronics and communications engineering technology (Honors Program)

The aforementioned programme aims to educate bachelors of the Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major with solid foundations of related science and technologies, who are able to contribute to society with their creativity, and leadership. Detailed goals: Developing required knowledge and skills for future careers related to Electronics Engineering Technology – Communication major. Developing knowledge […]

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Engineering Mechanics

The education program equips students with comprehensive professional knowledge, mastering the principles and laws of nature – society, basic practical skills, the ability to work independently, creatively and to solve problems in the field of Mechanical Engineering;       Graduates of the education program have in-depth theoretical knowledge in the field of education; technical mastery and practical […]

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