Developing a Master Training Program in the “MONTUS” Project

The delegation of VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET) is led by Assoc. Prof. Pham Bao Son – Vice Rector led together with the staff of the Center of Multidisciplinary Integrated Technologies for Field Monitoring (FIMO) attended the 1st workshop organized by EU Erasmus+ Fundation held at Toulouse University (France)  from February 18-22, 2019.

This workshop is part of the MONTUS (Master On New Technologies Using Services) project granted by EU Erasmus+ fundation. The project is an inheritance of achievements and continues to develop based on the TORUS (Toward an Open Resource Upon Service) project  from 2015 to 2018 in which FIMO center is also a member of the project. The MONTUS project is one of six French projects in 147 projects selected from 874 candidates. The project is funded by the European Union for 3 years as a part of the Erasmus+ with the aim of developing researches on Cloud computing in environmental science and promoting education in Southeast Asia countries.

Assoc. Prof. Pham Bao Son introduced VNU-UET and training programs

In addition, the workshop was attended by several research teams from Toulouse II University, France; University of Ferrara, Republic of Italy; University of Belgium, Belgium; Walailak University and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Royal University of Cambodia, Cambodia Institute of Technology;  ect. There are many Vietnamese universities participating in this workshop such as University of Agriculture and Forestry University, Hanoi Architectural University, and Da Nang University.

Assoc. Prof.  Nguyen Thi Nhat Thanh presented a study on CLKK monitoring using cheap sensors

The main objective of the project is to invest training equipments and open a Master training program at the School of Aerospace Engineering, VNU-UET in 2020. At the workshop, Vice Rector Pham Bao Son presented the strategy, plan to build, and implement this training program with the international partners. The objective of the training program focuses on the application of Information Technology to address environmental issues. The program is expected to be taught in English and will be open to all international students.

The participants took souvenir photos at the workshop

This is the first workshop in the series of project workshops to take place from 2019-2021. Therefore, the participants introduced the organization, training programs, and research directions of their universities and discussed about the contents of developing the Master’s training program at VNU-UET.

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