Online conversation between University of Engineering and Technology Leaders and the learners

Amid the breakout of Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Engineering and Technology (Hanoi National University of Vietnam) organized an online conversation between the school’s leaders and the learners.

The conversation attendants were Prof. Dr. Chu Duc Trinh – School’s vice president; Dr. Bui Trung Ninh – Head of Student Affairs Department; MSc. Vu Thi Bich Ha – Deputy Head of the Training Department and representatives of the faculties and the Youth Union.

This is the second year the school moved the conversation to online form due to the effect of Covid-19 pandemic. Besides the conference held during the school year, these online activities will be held regularly every semester. Through the conversations, the school’s leaders will understand more about the learners’ difficulties that they have during the time studying at the University of Engineering and Technology so that they can provide support to the learners in order to increase the quality of education.

At the conference, Dr. Bui Trung Ninh emphasized: “This activity is carried out regularly, continuously integrated in teaching, learning and management activities. Therefore, learners should not hesitate to voice their thoughts and aspirations which are related to their own interests as well as contribute to the overall improvement in the educational quality of the school. The leaders always welcome and carefully consider those suggestions to improve management and education activities, to improve training quality, and to help the learners have a better learning and researching environment”.

Most of the time of the conversation is devoted to the direct talk between the leaders of the departments and the learners. In the online conversations, students asked questions directly in the chatting form, the administrators will summarize students’ questions and suggestions and send them to school leaders to answer. This year, the questions revolved around the issues of the training program, scholarship policy, social insurance… In particular, learners were interested in the school’s academic plan in the school year 2021- 2022 during the rise of the pandemic. All the questions have been answered openly.

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