The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Engineering and Technology has coordinated with the Vietnam Technology Advice and Solutions from Korea Centre (ViTASK) to organize a Microcontroller and Application Engineering course. The course lasted for 10 sessions with the guidance of Professor Lee Si Hyun from Dong Seoul University.

Closing the course on microcontroller engineering



The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Engineering and Technology has coordinated with the Vietnam Technology Advice and Solutions from Korea Centre (ViTASK) to organize a Microcontroller and Application Engineering course. The course lasted for 10 sessions with the guidance of Professor Lee Si Hyun from Dong Seoul University. The students received hands-on instruction with microcontrollers, boards and control software. The course received an enthusiastic response from the students in the Faculty.

On November 24, 2021, the students completed the course. After finishing the course, they had accumulated knowledge about microcontrollers, very useful for future study and work!

VITASK Center also awarded the University of Engineering and Technology 20 sets of practice kits for microcontrollers. This will be a valuable learning material for students during their study at the Faculty.

Here are some pictures from the closing ceremony:

Thu Hang (FET)